Topic: Storytelling

Rituals of Conflict, Paths of Peace

Conflict is among our most basic human experiences. The ability to engage in conflict without violence requires compassion, vulnerability, patience, intelligence and emotional grit. Storyteller Will Hornyak shares traditional myths, tales and poems that demonstrate the art and practice of creative conflict. The fruits of such conflicts can lead to deeper understanding, healing and shared bonds … Continue reading Rituals of Conflict, Paths of Peace

The Path, Part II: Keeping to the Path, or How to Steer Clear of Spiritual Bypassing

A Sermon with Zen Tales Watch the service HERE. In the early 1980s, psychologist John Welwood coined the term “spiritual bypassing” to refer to the use of practices and beliefs to avoid confronting uncomfortable feelings, unresolved wounds, and fundamental emotional and psychological needs. In the years that have followed, many well-meaning seekers have fallen under … Continue reading The Path, Part II: Keeping to the Path, or How to Steer Clear of Spiritual Bypassing

Georgia O’Keeffe and the Spirit of Ghost Ranch

Read the sermon HERE. Watch the sermon HERE. Having just returned from a week at the fabled Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico, Rev. Robin will explore how the Ranch’s high desert landscape and spiritual ancestry inspired O’Keeffe in her work and life.  We’ll also look at how she shares this legacy with Christian mystics … Continue reading Georgia O’Keeffe and the Spirit of Ghost Ranch

Fool’s Gold!

In Honor of April Fool’s Day, storyteller Will Hornyak shares stories and poems that reveal the wisdom and spiritual value in the character of the fool and the art of foolishness. Will weaves together traditional myths, fairy tales and fables to reveal insights for contemporary life hidden within the world’s oldest stories. Worship Leader: Patty … Continue reading Fool’s Gold!

Share your story, and you are not alone. I hear your story, I am not alone.

Watch the service HERE. When we are children we are captivated by stories, the wonder and adventure of them thrill us, the champion conquering the fearsome beast reassures us, the happy-ever-after ending is expected. As adults we understand that not all stories are thrilling, some are life-changing. Sometimes the beast conquers the champion. And life … Continue reading Share your story, and you are not alone. I hear your story, I am not alone.