Solstice Celebration
Rev. Robin and Therese Langevin invite you to celebrate the Solstice at Eastrose from 3 – 5pm. We’ll enjoy treats, exchange books and share crafts, and cast a circle after sundown to honor the rebirth of the sun.
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Rev. Robin and Therese Langevin invite you to celebrate the Solstice at Eastrose from 3 – 5pm. We’ll enjoy treats, exchange books and share crafts, and cast a circle after sundown to honor the rebirth of the sun.
Watch the service HERE. In a world overrun with words, thoughts, noise and conflict, how might we clear a path to a more heart-centered life? We’ll explore new paradigms for setting deeply-felt intentions for our “homecoming” service that could yield better results than resolutions or even “goals.” The service includes a guided meditation for opening the heart … Continue reading The Path, Part I: Clearing A Path to Heartfulness
Read the sermon HERE. Watch the sermon HERE. Having just returned from a week at the fabled Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico, Rev. Robin will explore how the Ranch’s high desert landscape and spiritual ancestry inspired O’Keeffe in her work and life. We’ll also look at how she shares this legacy with Christian mystics … Continue reading Georgia O’Keeffe and the Spirit of Ghost Ranch
Watch the service HERE. We live in a death-phobic, youth seeking culture. From anti-aging face serums to cryogenics to theologies of eternal life to potential AI technologies that could keep the brain alive indefinitely, humans have chased immortality despite the enduring reality: If you are human, your life is finite. Given this immutable fact (at least … Continue reading Chasing Immortality: Would You Want to Live Forever?
Watch the service HERE. A Reader’s Theater Service with Rev. Robin and the Worship Leaders. Music from Barbara Stevens. Brushing your teeth, sweeping the kitchen floor, a bedtime story, swimming, bringing in the mail, driving the car, meeting on Zoom (!) – when done mindfully, each of our “run-of-the-mill” daily activities can be small spiritual … Continue reading A Day In the Spiritual Life
Sadly, we have to cancel our service this week as our building is closed. We have some urgent repair work to do. Hopefully we’ll be back to regular operations by Dec. 3 – stay tuned.
Watch the service HERE. Samhain (pronounced SOW-win), meaning “summers end” is the celebration of the end of the harvest and start of the coldest half of the year. It originated from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. Please join us for this special service honoring Samhain. Eastrose Board Member Therese Langevin will be leading the ritual and … Continue reading Celebrating Samhain
Watch the service HERE. The “third place” is a sociological concept that defines a space of significance that is not one’s home or workplace. For generations, and across theological viewpoints, this third place has typically been a religious community. Today, that landscape has changed. Is Eastrose your third place? Has it been in the past but … Continue reading Ingathering and Homecoming with a Water Communion Ritual – “Is Eastrose Your Third Place?”
Watch the service HERE. In her wry memoir, Jana Reiss shares a year-long quest to become more saintly by tackling 12 spiritual practices, including fasting, centering prayer, Sabbath-keeping, gratitude, and generosity. Though she begins with the question, “How hard could that be?” Reiss finds to her growing humiliation that she is “flunking sainthood.” In this sermon exploring … Continue reading Flunking Sainthood
Watch the service HERE. We as human beings (and especially as churches) have an uncomfortable relationship with not being perfect, and work to try a project as much of an image of perfection as possible. But, by letting go and acknowledging that we are not perfect, there is the opportunity for understanding ourselves more deeply … Continue reading The Sermon That Almost Wasn’t (But Yet Still Needed to Be)