Topic: Resilience

Good Thing I Bounce!

In a world that seems ever more dangerous and distressing, how do we practice resilience? What does it take to be someone who bounces back? Rev. Dr. Lynn Ungar preaching with Worship Leader Rev. Suzie Matranga-Watson. Music from Mary Reese and a Time for All Ages from Tara Toler.  Rev. Dr. Lynn Ungar is a … Continue reading Good Thing I Bounce!

Honoring Indigenous People’s Day: “Being A Good Relative”

Watch the service HERE. How can and should we be “good relatives” to the many Native Americans who have lived for centuries on the land we inhabit? Regardless of our individual and communal heritage, how have we benefitted from living and working on these lands? What are the ethics of land acknowledgements, and what reparations … Continue reading Honoring Indigenous People’s Day: “Being A Good Relative”

Autumn People

Watch the service HERE. In the words of a colleague, “Autumn people slow down, enjoy a certain pace.” Sounds appealing, doesn’t it? Many of us run around being bouncy Spring people year-round and 24/7, not looking very closely at much except our watches and our smartphones. Can you “remember the kind of September that’s slow … Continue reading Autumn People

Flunking Sainthood

Watch the service HERE. In her wry memoir, Jana Reiss shares a year-long quest to become more saintly by tackling 12 spiritual practices, including fasting, centering prayer, Sabbath-keeping, gratitude, and generosity. Though she begins with the question, “How hard could that be?” Reiss finds to her growing humiliation that she is “flunking sainthood.” In this sermon exploring … Continue reading Flunking Sainthood

We’ve Known Rivers: On the Constancy of Change

Watch the service HERE. A sage once remarked that “you can never step into the same river twice,” meaning that life, like a river, is ever-changing and forever flowing downstream from its Source. There have been changes that have carried us around river bends to uncharted tributaries, some currents have mostly floated us safely along, … Continue reading We’ve Known Rivers: On the Constancy of Change