Topic: Perspective

People Over Profits

Watch the service HERE. As we gather to honor the contributions of workers, this service invites us to shift our focus from productivity to a more profound appreciation of human worth. Join us in considering a world where people take precedence over profitability, fostering a more compassionate and harmonious community. Worship Leader: Tyler Perez Katie Norris … Continue reading People Over Profits

We’ve Known Rivers: On the Constancy of Change

Watch the service HERE. A sage once remarked that “you can never step into the same river twice,” meaning that life, like a river, is ever-changing and forever flowing downstream from its Source. There have been changes that have carried us around river bends to uncharted tributaries, some currents have mostly floated us safely along, … Continue reading We’ve Known Rivers: On the Constancy of Change

Could Be Good

Watch the service HERE. It seems like all we get is bad news. But if we take another look we could find the good that we just haven’t noticed yet. Or maybe there is another way to think about it. Terry will bring some down to earth ways to find the good – past, present, … Continue reading Could Be Good