Topic: Perspective

Good Thing I Bounce!

In a world that seems ever more dangerous and distressing, how do we practice resilience? What does it take to be someone who bounces back? Rev. Dr. Lynn Ungar preaching with Worship Leader Rev. Suzie Matranga-Watson. Music from Mary Reese and a Time for All Ages from Tara Toler.  Rev. Dr. Lynn Ungar is a … Continue reading Good Thing I Bounce!

The Perfect Imperfection of Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tree

For more than 50 years, a “Charlie Brown Christmas” has graced our TV screens. In it, Charlie falls in love with the most pathetic little tree on the lot. “This little green tree needs a home,” he says. “I think it will be perfect. I think it needs me.” The animated classic offers us the opportunity … Continue reading The Perfect Imperfection of Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tree

Debunkbot and the Crank Realignment

Watch the service HERE (apologies for the substandard video recording). With an enormously consequential election two days away, we’ll examine the rise in conspiracy theories (some downright bizarre) that used to reside at the fringes of society, but have moved into the mainstream. One journalist calls this the “crank realignment.” How do these beliefs take … Continue reading Debunkbot and the Crank Realignment

Unjudge Someone

Watch the service HERE. In cities throughout the world, individuals are “checking out” real live people in a program called “Human Libraries.” The goal is to encourage us to engage with others in one-on-one conversations to break down stereotypes and the judgement that comes with focusing on the “cover” and not the “book.” What have … Continue reading Unjudge Someone

Chasing Immortality: Would You Want to Live Forever?

Watch the service HERE. We live in a death-phobic, youth seeking culture. From anti-aging face serums to cryogenics to theologies of eternal life to potential AI technologies that could keep the brain alive indefinitely, humans have chased immortality despite the enduring reality: If you are human, your life is finite. Given this immutable fact (at least … Continue reading Chasing Immortality: Would You Want to Live Forever?

A Conversation With A Mayfly

Watch the service HERE. I found the reading “A Conversation with a Mayfly” in a decades-long pile of papers I was sorting through. It humorously and seriously considers whether one’s importance is linked to the length of one’s life and what is important. And, after reading it, I spun off on so many different ideas related to those two that … Continue reading A Conversation With A Mayfly

I, The Creator

Watch the service HERE. Looking around Eastrose at the quilts and artwork, you’re likely to think: “Wow, these folks are so creative.” And, yes, they surely are. However, creativity lives within each of us and extends beyond the visual, literary, or performing arts. In this service, we’ll explore where creativity originates, how it is sparked … Continue reading I, The Creator