Topic: Personal Story

Sacred Organizing

Watch the service HERE. Rev. John Hasenjaeger and Mary Ann Barham will share their experiences and challenges with “Sacred Organizing,” in their work with the Leaven Community Land and Housing Coalition, a predominantly interfaith group in Multnomah, Washington & Clackamas Counties. John will offer some of his own vocational journey and how his thinking about … Continue reading Sacred Organizing

Covenant, Not Creed

This is a pulpit share with Community UU Church (CUUC) in Pasco, WA Unitarian Universalism is a living faith; our theology is proof of that. Many think that to be UU means to believe whatever you want, but that is not really true. Karishma Gottfried will share her experiences growing up UU in Oregon and … Continue reading Covenant, Not Creed

The Path is Beautiful and Crooked, Just As It Should Be…How I Got to Eastrose

View the service HERE. Unitarian Universalism graciously makes room for folks like me; but it’s an awkward fit for someone who loves magic, tarot, silent meditation, shamanic ritual, and fat little ancient goddesses more than a structured service of readings and hymns on Sunday morning. My heart aches for the people who can’t keep up … Continue reading The Path is Beautiful and Crooked, Just As It Should Be…How I Got to Eastrose

Some Other Me

What other paths could our lives have taken? How can this mental exercise give us empathy for others – with power and without? I draw on musical theatre as well as my own experience with retail, chronic illness, and love. Worship Leader: Rev. Sue Matranga-Watson Originally from Maryland, Emily now lives in Beaverton. She earned … Continue reading Some Other Me

Coming to Eastrose

We are all on a spiritual path that has led us to Eastrose. We all have a story on how we came to Eastrose. I will reflect on my path and then ask each of you to consider how your path may interact with others that are seeking what we offer. The future of this … Continue reading Coming to Eastrose

Bringing GA Home

So a Buddhist, a sailor, a politician, a prison chaplain, and a professor walk into a bar… Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly (GA) was held this year from June 22-26 in Portland. The theme for this year was  “Meet the Moment: Re-imagining Radical Faith Community.” This year’s multi-platform experience was attended by a number of … Continue reading Bringing GA Home

Adventures in Failing

We as a society have become accustomed to defining how far a person has come on their journey through life by the measure of the successes they have achieved. But, as much as we may not like to admit it, our failures also have a lot to say about how far we have come…and often they have more to say about how we … Continue reading Adventures in Failing