Topic: Interdependence

They Looked to the Sky

Watch the service HERE. The UU 7th Principle is about the interconnectedness of all beings. As humans, we always strive for some kind of connection with others and with the universe. When we experience the interconnecting web that is in all existence, we foster compassion and gratitude in ourselves and towards others. Come explore with … Continue reading They Looked to the Sky

On Trust

* Note: This service begins at 10:00am * Reverend Millie Phillips will speak on the theme of “Trust”, a topic she sometimes struggles with and is glad to take on. If you’ve ever been abused by someone who was supposed to love and care for you, stabbed in the back by an unscrupulous colleague, or shared a … Continue reading On Trust

Things Fall Apart

Watch the service HERE. The poet W. B. Yeats said it a hundred years ago, “things fall apart.” The promises of a global community have failed; we’re left with echo chambers that do more to exclude than to include. How do we achieve community in a world that is fragmented and suspicious?Worship Leader: Rev. Katie … Continue reading Things Fall Apart

Caregiving: Braving The Bold And Treasuring The Risk

View the service HERE. Family caregiving can feel all encompassing, as it often meets the extremes of challenge and meaning simultaneously. Priya is the biggest fan of caregivers. She’ll speak from a personal and professional lens. She’ll share about care and giving as concepts, the top three lessons she’s learned, and a couple of different … Continue reading Caregiving: Braving The Bold And Treasuring The Risk

To Be of Use

View the service HERE. We UU’s are a constitutionally useful group of people. But what happens when illness, disability, or age prevent us from being as useful as we would like to be? Worship Leader: Cynthia Hopkins

The Intelligence of Other Living Things

The more we watch and explore the animals and insects we share our planet with, the more we realize that we are not the only intelligent beings around. What does this new–or rediscovered–insight into the minds of other species tell us about ourselves? Worship Leader: Rev. Sue Matranga-Watson

Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny

We’re all connected: an interdependent whole. Therefore, says Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, “covenant is our religious response to our fundamental interdependence.” We make promises about how to be together, and how to be in the world. We also fall short of honoring those promises, inviting us to repair and strengthen the strands of community. The choice … Continue reading Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny