Topic: Imagination

Emissaries of the Imagination: The Arts in Times of Environmental and Cultural Upheaval

The times of greatest difficulty can also draw forth from us the stories we carry and the gifts we bear for the renewal of ourselves and our communities. Among our greatest resources at such times are imagination, artistry and creativity. What is the unique nature of the medicine we carry and the genius residing within … Continue reading Emissaries of the Imagination: The Arts in Times of Environmental and Cultural Upheaval

Bringing GA Home

So a Buddhist, a sailor, a politician, a prison chaplain, and a professor walk into a bar… Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly (GA) was held this year from June 22-26 in Portland. The theme for this year was  “Meet the Moment: Re-imagining Radical Faith Community.” This year’s multi-platform experience was attended by a number of … Continue reading Bringing GA Home