Topic: Grace

Good Thing I Bounce!

In a world that seems ever more dangerous and distressing, how do we practice resilience? What does it take to be someone who bounces back? Rev. Dr. Lynn Ungar preaching with Worship Leader Rev. Suzie Matranga-Watson. Music from Mary Reese and a Time for All Ages from Tara Toler.  Rev. Dr. Lynn Ungar is a … Continue reading Good Thing I Bounce!

Love Me Like a Rock: A Sermon Towards Devotion

With Valentine’s Day upon us (heart-shaped candy boxes and all) we’ll explore what it might mean to be “devoted” to those we currently love and to those we might love in the future, especially in our “maybe-I-do” world. Is “unconditional” love really possible between humans? And when it comes to those we have loved in the … Continue reading Love Me Like a Rock: A Sermon Towards Devotion

I’m Nobody, Who Are You? Fame and Fakery in the Social Media Age

Famed Unitarian minister Ralph Waldo Emerson once remarked “A great man is always willing to be little.” This morning, we will explore the topic of “humility.” What does it mean, or might it mean, to be a “somebody” and a “nobody” in the age of YouTube channels, suspect news, reality TV, AI fakes, and salacious political … Continue reading I’m Nobody, Who Are You? Fame and Fakery in the Social Media Age

Letterboxing: Getting Lost and Found in the New Year

Watch the service HERE. Letterboxing is a quirky hobby combining orienteering, puzzle solving, journaling, and treasure hunting, dating back to the 1850’s in Dartmoor, England. As we begin 2024 with our well-intentioned resolutions in tow, we’ll explore Letterboxing as a spiritual metaphor for getting “lost” (in healthy ways) — stepping off the well-worn paths of … Continue reading Letterboxing: Getting Lost and Found in the New Year

We’ve Known Rivers: On the Constancy of Change

Watch the service HERE. A sage once remarked that “you can never step into the same river twice,” meaning that life, like a river, is ever-changing and forever flowing downstream from its Source. There have been changes that have carried us around river bends to uncharted tributaries, some currents have mostly floated us safely along, … Continue reading We’ve Known Rivers: On the Constancy of Change

Grace and Dignity

Watch the service HERE. Sally Betser, a former member of Eastrose Fellowship, is a life-long health care practitioner and educator.  A former paramedic, retired nurse, and current death doula, she spends her time (when she isn’t quilting) learning, sharing, advocating for, and speaking about end-of-life options in our modern world.   She joins us today to … Continue reading Grace and Dignity