Topic: Community

Annual Flower Communion

Watch the service HERE. Bring flowers from your yard or neighborhood to celebrate the annual flower communion. This Unitarian Universalist celebration acknowledges that as no two flowers are alike, so no two people are alike, yet each has a contribution to make. Together the different flowers form a beautiful bouquet. Our common bouquet would not … Continue reading Annual Flower Communion

Brightening Our Flame

Watch the service HERE. Reverend Sue explains how Sunday’s service will be unique:      “In addition to honoring Mother’s day with readings and music, instead of a Sermon/message, we will get together in groups to talk about: 1. What does Eastrose mean to me? 2. What can I do to be a steward to Eastrose? … Continue reading Brightening Our Flame

Sacred Organizing

Watch the service HERE. Rev. John Hasenjaeger and Mary Ann Barham will share their experiences and challenges with “Sacred Organizing,” in their work with the Leaven Community Land and Housing Coalition, a predominantly interfaith group in Multnomah, Washington & Clackamas Counties. John will offer some of his own vocational journey and how his thinking about … Continue reading Sacred Organizing

The Message of Freedom in the Season

Watch the service HERE. Every year, spring reminds us there is joy in being alive. On this Easter Sunday, which happens to fall in the middle of Passover, let us take joy in the message of freedom promised by both these faiths, a freedom bigger than our everyday worries. Worship Leader: Cynthia Hopkins

Things Fall Apart

Watch the service HERE. The poet W. B. Yeats said it a hundred years ago, “things fall apart.” The promises of a global community have failed; we’re left with echo chambers that do more to exclude than to include. How do we achieve community in a world that is fragmented and suspicious?Worship Leader: Rev. Katie … Continue reading Things Fall Apart

Surviving and Thriving

Watch the service HERE. In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s tireless commitment to the ongoing realization of social justice, how can we as smaller congregations—with limited members and limited resources—find ways to honor Dr. King’s memory by imagining ways that we can recommit ourselves to the cause of being the change we … Continue reading Surviving and Thriving


NOTE: This service begins at 10:00am. This is the time to celebrate the Winter Solstice, when the noonday sun is at its lowest point, on December 21st. We will be casting a sacred circle and use the space created to conduct our service in our pagan religious traditions of Wicca and Druidry. The Winter Solstice … Continue reading Solstice

To Be of Use

View the service HERE. We UU’s are a constitutionally useful group of people. But what happens when illness, disability, or age prevent us from being as useful as we would like to be? Worship Leader: Cynthia Hopkins

The Intelligence of Other Living Things

The more we watch and explore the animals and insects we share our planet with, the more we realize that we are not the only intelligent beings around. What does this new–or rediscovered–insight into the minds of other species tell us about ourselves? Worship Leader: Rev. Sue Matranga-Watson

Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny

We’re all connected: an interdependent whole. Therefore, says Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, “covenant is our religious response to our fundamental interdependence.” We make promises about how to be together, and how to be in the world. We also fall short of honoring those promises, inviting us to repair and strengthen the strands of community. The choice … Continue reading Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny