Archives: Services

Providing Support, Safety and Opportunity Amidst the Ruins

Watch the service HERE. Cultivate Initiatives is a group of people that envisions communities that are safe, supportive, and full of opportunities. As a nonprofit organization serving East Portland and East Multnomah County, they empower individuals and communities through workforce development, housing and homemaking, and supportive sheltering. Caleb and others from the Cultivate Initiatives team … Continue reading Providing Support, Safety and Opportunity Amidst the Ruins

Faithful Democracy

Read the sermon HERE. Watch the service HERE. With an uptick in voter suppression and the American experiment more fragile than ever, it’s important to examine how tribalism, conspiracy theories, and extreme theologies have corrupted the underpinnings of our nation. Can belief play a role in our democratic process in 2024, or have ideology and secularism replaced … Continue reading Faithful Democracy

Georgia O’Keeffe and the Spirit of Ghost Ranch

Read the sermon HERE. Watch the sermon HERE. Having just returned from a week at the fabled Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico, Rev. Robin will explore how the Ranch’s high desert landscape and spiritual ancestry inspired O’Keeffe in her work and life.  We’ll also look at how she shares this legacy with Christian mystics … Continue reading Georgia O’Keeffe and the Spirit of Ghost Ranch

Two Pioneers of Religious Pluralism: A Model of Spiritual Friendship

Watch the service HERE. Religious pluralism, the way we live out our own affirmation of the variety of spiritual paths among us, is central to our life together. Rev John Hasenjaeger, a liberal Presbyterian minister, will introduce us to two of the pioneers of the modern development of religious pluralism—G.E. Lessing, who comes out of … Continue reading Two Pioneers of Religious Pluralism: A Model of Spiritual Friendship

Love is the Enduring Force That Holds Us Together

Watch the service HERE. What does it mean to evolve as a religion in the modern world?  For the past several years, the UUA has drafted revisions to Article II, which recasts our long-held Seven Principles and Six Sources as “Purposes and Covenants” such as Justice, Interdependence and Generosity. The document includes the phrase: “Love … Continue reading Love is the Enduring Force That Holds Us Together

Chasing Immortality: Would You Want to Live Forever?

Watch the service HERE. We live in a death-phobic, youth seeking culture. From anti-aging face serums to cryogenics to theologies of eternal life to potential AI technologies that could keep the brain alive indefinitely, humans have chased immortality despite the enduring reality: If you are human, your life is finite. Given this immutable fact (at least … Continue reading Chasing Immortality: Would You Want to Live Forever?