Juneteenth: What a Way to Go
This will be my final service as your parish minister! I’ll reflect on the meaning of Juneteenth for Eastrose. And say a final goodbye. Worship Leaders: Cynthia Hopkins and Katie TenEyck.
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This will be my final service as your parish minister! I’ll reflect on the meaning of Juneteenth for Eastrose. And say a final goodbye. Worship Leaders: Cynthia Hopkins and Katie TenEyck.
Cluster Joint Services We Unitarian Universalists can have a difficult time deciding how best to observe Memorial Day. While our values call on us to honor those who have sacrificed their lives in war, they also lead us to lament some of the causes for which they have died. Perhaps the answer is to acknowledge … Continue reading Our Complicated Relationship with Memorial Day
What will Eastrose look like this summer, at the start of the new program year, and beyond. I’ll review our last 8 years together – and then look forward with you! Worship leader: Patty Walsh
Storyteller Will Hornyak will share myths, tales and poems from a variety of oral traditions in honor of “She Who Mothers Us All.” He considers several aspects of the archetype of the great mother as both womb and tomb of life and as embodiment of maiden, mother and crone. Speaker: Will Hornyak | Worship Leader: … Continue reading Mother Earth Stories
This sermon at Eastrose will be Rev. Sarah Schurr’s last before her retirement from full time ministry at the end of June. It will also be the week prior to UUA General Assembly 2024. Sarah will reflect on changes we face as individuals, and as a religious movement. Rev. Sarah Schurr is Congregational Life Staff of … Continue reading Times They Are A’Changing
What does it mean to evolve as a religion in the modern world? For the past several years, the UUA has drafted revisions to Article II, which recasts our long-held Seven Principles and Six Sources as “Purposes and Covenants” such as Justice, Interdependence and Generosity. The document includes the phrase: “Love is the Enduring Force That … Continue reading Love is the Enduring Force That Holds Us Together
It’s New Year’s Resolution time! Again? (sigh). In 2025, rather than “resolve,” how might we reflect and cast intentions for our lives? Have we become more tender towards ourselves, more flexible with others? Can we muster the energy to fight the good fight? “Now, I become myself,” writes the poet May Sarton, “it’s taken time, … Continue reading “Some Assembly Required: On Becoming A Self”
Sunday, January 12, 2025 10:30 AM “Some Assembly Required: On Becoming A Self” It’s New Year’s Resolution time! Again? (sigh). In 2025, rather than “resolve,” how might we reflect and cast intentions for our lives? Have we become more tender towards ourselves, more flexible with others? Can we muster the energy to fight the good … Continue reading “Some Assembly Required: On Becoming A Self”