Archives: Services

Juneteenth: What a Way to Go

This will be my final service as your parish minister! I’ll reflect on the meaning of Juneteenth for Eastrose. And say a final goodbye. Worship Leaders: Cynthia Hopkins and Katie TenEyck.

Eastrose Looking Forward

What will Eastrose look like this summer, at the start of the new program year, and beyond. I’ll review our last 8 years together – and then look forward with you! Worship leader: Patty Walsh

Mother Earth Stories

Storyteller Will Hornyak will share myths, tales and poems from a variety of oral traditions in honor of “She Who Mothers Us All.” He considers several aspects of the archetype of the great mother as both womb and tomb of life and as embodiment of maiden, mother and crone. Speaker: Will Hornyak | Worship Leader: … Continue reading Mother Earth Stories