Archives: Services

CANCELLED: Candlelight Worship Service

Due to the unpredictable weather, the decision was made to cancel service tonight. Updated at 2:30pm, 12/24. Everyone is Welcome. Bring the children! Enjoy listening to music, some readings and singing together. Delight in our small but mighty Christmas choir! Following our tradition, we will light candles and sing Silent Night. Soft holiday music and … Continue reading CANCELLED: Candlelight Worship Service


NOTE: This service begins at 10:00am. This is the time to celebrate the Winter Solstice, when the noonday sun is at its lowest point, on December 21st. We will be casting a sacred circle and use the space created to conduct our service in our pagan religious traditions of Wicca and Druidry. The Winter Solstice … Continue reading Solstice

Caregiving: Braving The Bold And Treasuring The Risk

View the service HERE. Family caregiving can feel all encompassing, as it often meets the extremes of challenge and meaning simultaneously. Priya is the biggest fan of caregivers. She’ll speak from a personal and professional lens. She’ll share about care and giving as concepts, the top three lessons she’s learned, and a couple of different … Continue reading Caregiving: Braving The Bold And Treasuring The Risk

Myth, Metaphor and Mystery: The Masks of God – How Imagination and Creativity Calls to Us as Spiritual Practices

The theologian and mythologist Karen Armstrong once described religion as an act of the highest imagination. The longing to express and describe the ineffable leads us naturally into the wellspring of our deepest creative impulses. Storyteller Will Hornyak shares poems and myths that speak to our natural impulse toward the sacred in art and expression. … Continue reading Myth, Metaphor and Mystery: The Masks of God – How Imagination and Creativity Calls to Us as Spiritual Practices

Magic Mushrooms and You

View the service HERE. The people of Oregon passed a referendum that allows psilocybin mushrooms to be used for treatment and spiritual purposes in Oregon. Psychedelic mushrooms will be highly regulated and yet still fairly available starting in 2023. What does that have to do with you? For one thing, your community minister, Rev. Katie … Continue reading Magic Mushrooms and You

Standing in Line, Talking with God About Religion, Atheists and Faith

View the service HERE. In 2013, national syndicated columnist and winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary, Leonard Pitts Jr., wrote a column with the above title. Was he writing about Unitarian Universalists? Rev. Sue Matranga-Watson will share the enjoyable column and talk about our UU faith and the concept of Universal Spirit. Worship … Continue reading Standing in Line, Talking with God About Religion, Atheists and Faith

To Be of Use

View the service HERE. We UU’s are a constitutionally useful group of people. But what happens when illness, disability, or age prevent us from being as useful as we would like to be? Worship Leader: Cynthia Hopkins