Inhabiting a Peaceable Kingdom: Our Relationship With Our Plate

Watch the service HERE. Nobel Prize winner Albert Schweitzer has famously remarked that, “Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.” When it comes to our relationship with animals, how do we balance our seventh principle about interconnectedness with social norms that typically uphold the Biblical notion that humans hold dominion over all other creatures? Can we join the Farm Sanctuary movement and still eat chicken? Should we support the work of the UU First Principle project to change the wording of that principle to “affirming the inherent worth and dignity of all beings” (not just persons)? We’ll explore ways to expand our understanding of being in compassionate relationship with animals, including those we might find on our plate. As a non-vegan herself, Rev. Robin will reflect on the challenges of this endeavor. Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker preaching with Worship Leader Jean Weigant. Music from Mary Reese and a Time for All Ages from Tara Toler. A Vegan Potluck will  follow the service – look for more information and resources/recipes in Petals.

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