Watch the service HERE. Read the service HERE. With destruction and casualties mounting in Ukraine and in Gaza, conflicts with grave global consequences, we’ll ask ourselves some questions this morning: why should we care about wars happening 1000s of miles from us, especially when we are compassion fatigued by COVID, domestic concerns, climate disasters, and local politics? What is our imperative to activate our 6th principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all” and how can we do that? What is Non-Violent resistance, the third way between the outdated concept of “Just War” and pacifism, and is it viable against tanks and missiles? Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker, preaching, with Worship Leader Cynthia Hopkins. Music from Mary Reese and selections from the Speech Choir. A Time for All Ages about Peacemaking from Tara Toler.
Honoring Veterans Day – “Just Cause, Just War?”