In honor of Black History Month, we’ll explore the complicated, triumphant and tragic story of Phillis Wheatley, an African American, formerly enslaved young woman, who published a groundbreaking book of poetry in 1773. For decades, a white woman’s memoir shaped our understanding of America’s first Black woman poet. Recently, her legacy and her work have been rediscovered and un-whitewashed, but not without critique. Who tells our stories? Who tells and will tell the stories of African Americans in history? This service will include selections of Wheatley’s poems. Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker preaching with Worship Leader Katie Norris Paries. Music from Mary Reese and a Time for All Ages from Tara Toler. First Sunday potluck to follow, including a celebratory farewell to Shari Sirkin.
Hang A Thousand Ribbons – The Legacy and Poetry of Phillis Wheatley