Mt. Hood Cluster of UU Congregations

There are many UU churches in the Portland-Vancouver area. They are all different sizes and each has a unique personality. Why not try them all?
Mt. Hood Cluster
The Mt. Hood Cluster is a working committee of 10 Unitarian Universalist congregations in the Portland and Vancouver Metro Area. “The Cluster” regularly collaborate on projects as diverse as social justice work, worship, education, and environmental clean-up.
- Eastrose Fellowship UU, Gresham
- First Unitarian Church, Portland
- Mid-Columbia UU Fellowship, Hood River
- South Park UU Fellowship, West Linn
- UU Church of Vancouver (WA)
- UU Community Church of Washington County, Hillsboro
- UU Congregation at Willamette Falls, Oregon City
- UU Fellowship of McMinnville, McMinnville
- West Hills UU Fellowship, West Hills Portland
- Wy’east UU Congregation, NE Portland
The purpose of The Mt. Hood Cluster is to nurture a spirit of cooperation and relationship among local UU congregations.
- Provide mutual aid and support
- Communicate and coordinate programs and resources
- Strengthen our presence in the wider world
- Affirm, promote, and practice the principles of our UU faith
The Mt. Hood Cluster typically meets on the second Sunday of the month @ 1:45pm at a location that rotates through the churches that have facilities (lately meetings have been on Zoom).