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Eastrose Fellowship UU
1133 NE 181st Avenue
Gresham, OR 97230
(503) 665-2628
With Valentine’s Day upon us (heart-shaped candy boxes and all) we’ll explore what it might mean to be “devoted” to those we currently love and to those we might love in the future, especially in our “maybe-I-do” world. Is “unconditional” love really possible between humans? And when it comes to those we have loved in the … Continue reading Love Me Like a Rock: A Sermon Towards Devotion
In honor of Black History Month, we’ll explore the complicated, triumphant and tragic story of Phillis Wheatley, an African American, formerly enslaved young woman, who published a groundbreaking book of poetry in 1773. For decades, a white woman’s memoir shaped our understanding of America’s first Black woman poet. Recently, her legacy and her work have been … Continue reading Hang A Thousand Ribbons – The Legacy and Poetry of Phillis Wheatley
An inherent aspect of most of our human journeys is experiencing events, setbacks, glitches, and disappointments that require us to shift gears and adapt. As we consider how to move forward into this new year and new administration, how can we trust change when the road zigs where we thought (or hoped) it would zag? How … Continue reading Me and My Guitar: On Adaptation and Resilience