Gloria Holland from the UU Congregation of Salem shares her own experiences in the arts and discusses how the arts and creativity enhance our spiritual journey. Gloria joined her congregation in 2007 and is a member of the Worship Team and also serves on the Homilist Storytelling Team. She is active with the American Association … Continue reading Why We Create
In the Old Testament story of the Tower of Babel, Yahweh observes a civilization which speaks a single language, enabling them to work together to build a tower. He worries that this commonality might unite them with too much power against him. So, he fractures their language and weakens them. They can no longer communicate. … Continue reading Speaking “Empathy” In an American Babel
When our hearts are heavy, and it feels like the destruction is beyond repair, it is important to keep up the fight. It is even more powerful to counter this destruction with creation. Thankfully we are creative people; it’s what we do. As musicians we represent the best of what humanity has to offer. When … Continue reading Music is a Healing Magic