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Eastrose Fellowship UU
1133 NE 181st Avenue
Gresham, OR 97230
(503) 665-2628
Eastrose Board posts, news, and announcements. Not to be confused with “Board Minutes” – which are available upon request. Contact Office@eastrose.org.
Last Saturday, the Eastrose board held a very successful half-day planning session to discuss and prioritize actions for the coming year ahead. There is a lot on the horizon for us all. Stay tuned to Petals for announcements! On Wednesday evening, the board, church staff, worship team, and others in leadership positions received an extremely … Continue reading Update from the Board
This past month has been a whirlwind as we interviewed our ministerial candidate, checked his references, arranged for him to deliver a sermon and, finally held a congregational vote. All was going well, including initial contract negotiations. Then we received the news that he was withdrawing his application to Eastrose and taking another offer. This … Continue reading Moving Forward
There is no question that Eastrose is undergoing a period of transition. Our minister of the past eight years retires at the end of June and we have just installed a new board of directors. We are actively searching for a new minister, but planning to go lay-led if we need to. It was joyous … Continue reading Time of Transition.