Author: Rev. Robin

“I Surrender”

Usually when we think of “surrender” we think “defeat.” Yet, there’s a way to look at surrender that is more positive – the Buddhist concept of surrender as “letting go.” Recently, I read an entry in a blog I like called Daily Om about a tool called a Surrender Box. The author tells us: “A … Continue reading “I Surrender”


If a month itself could be a “trigger,” it would be January, 2024. Honestly, we could throw  December (or at least, some aspects of it) in for good measure. We’ve been justifiably triggered by an ice storm, a collapsed sewer line, porta-potties, and wrangles with insurance companies. Yet, through it all, we Eastrosarians have endured and … Continue reading Glimmers

Be Where You Are

Friends,Since late November, we’ve been meeting the moment of unexpected and extensive building repairs. I’m proud of how we’ve held together and faced the challenge with ingenuity, calm, and solidarity. Here’s to meeting the moment  and “being where we are” together in 2024. This reflection below speaks to the moment and is as relevant in … Continue reading Be Where You Are

“Pumpkin Spiced” 

For millennia, philosophers have asked: “Can you have too much of a good thing?” Um, two words – pumpkin spice! It is just EVERYWHERE and in my slightly grumpy opinion, should confine itself to the province of baked goods, seasonal beer, cider and hot beverages. I might have been more willing to be flexible if … Continue reading “Pumpkin Spiced” 

UU Fortune Cookie!

On Sunday, October 1, we’re starting our monthly “New and Renewed UU” discussions groups after the service and the potluck. Hope you’ll pop in. These meetings always remind me of how tricky it can be to articulate our uncommon faith. Many years ago, when my kids were in the midst of UU Religious Exploration and … Continue reading UU Fortune Cookie!