Our Covenant

May this covenant enrich our relationships and inspire our efforts to build a better world.
Eastrose Members, adopted May 2010
We covenant to:
- be our best selves and to model trust, respect, and kindness.
- contribute friendship, insight and our talents to serve this congregation and others.
- respect diversity, to seek to understand differences and to assume people mean well.
- reach out to visitors and new members. We covenant to encourage humor where appropriate, to be diverse in our generosity and encourage those who are generous to practice self care.
- listen to understand while withholding judgment and to follow through on our commitments.
- speak criticism with care and accept it with goodwill, to raise issues directly, promptly, bravely and gently, and refrain from criticism of those who are not present.
- set clear boundaries, encourage others to do so and respect the boundaries of others.
- create an environment of trust in our community by keeping confidences and asking others to keep them as well.
- make decisions through the democratic process by reaching consensus where possible while embracing conflict as a growth and a learning opportunity.
- strive to forgive others and ourselves in times of failure, to continue in community, and begin again with love and faith.