Eastrose Ministers and Staff
Reverend Robin Zucker
You can learn more about Rev. Robin here: www.uurobinzucker.com.
Office phone: 503.665.2628
Rev. Robin’s confidential talk and text: 978.505.7245
Office hours (in the building or at home, in a café, on the trail, or remotely):
Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10a – 3p. Others by appointment.
Audio/Visual (A/V) Tech:
Luna Conrad
Audio/Visual (A/V) Tech Lead:
Jon Netherton
Choir Director: Tyler Perez
Music Coordinator: Mary Reese
Family Ministry Coordinator: Tara Toler
Congregational Administrator
Office Phone: 503.665.2628
office@eastrose.org and bookkeeper@eastrose.org
Most Sun, Tues, Wed & Thursdays, 10a – 5p