About Eastrose
We are a small congregation, made up of people from various religious and social backgrounds. We are intent on making the lives of everyone around us richer and more meaningful. We offer activities to restore your optimism, find your joy, and explore your own spirituality in a supportive environment.

We are located in east Multnomah County in Gresham, Oregon. That’s just a bit east of Portland and west of Mount Hood. Here, we are known as a good neighbor! We have a well-loved mid-century building with nicely-maintained grounds, playground, garden boxes, and a peace garden in which to meditate.
We depend heavily on volunteers to accomplish the governance and management of the church, as well as a few paid staff members.
Our families generally stopped attending during the pandemic when we were only on Zoom, but they are returning now. We have classrooms and a childcare room which we want to fill again!
Since reopening we have gained new visitors who are quickly becoming regulars. We like each other and spend a lot of time communicating and planning ways to get together. Before the pandemic there were many social gatherings. We hope to ramp that up again.