I Pray for Courage

Friends, I share this poem as encouragement for us to remain crocus-minded as we consider how we can raise our voices, rally and fight for our values, and confront the challenges we are facing in our country. Many of us are heartbroken and horrified. 
Let’s talk to one another, to allies, and to adversaries. We are planning to hold regular town hall style meetings in order to get organized, learn about initiatives we can join, and encourage one another to stay engaged and not fall into despair or a functional freeze. May we be strong and brave together.

In faith and solidarity,
Rev. Robin

CROCUS MINDED by Elizabeth Dodson Grey 

 It takes courage to be crocus-minded. 
…I’d rather wait until June, 
Like wild roses, 
When the hazards of winter are 
Safely behind and I’m expected, 
And everything’s ready for roses. 
But crocuses? 
Highly irregular. 
Knifing up through hard-frozen ground and snow, 
Sticking their necks out 
Because they believe in spring 
And have something personal and emphatic to say about it. 
…I’m not by nature crocus-minded. 
Even when I have studied the 
Situation, and know there 
Are wrongs that need righting, 
Affirmations that need stating, 
And know that my speaking out may offend, 
For it rocks the boat – 
Well, I’d rather wait until June. 
Maybe later things will work themselves out, 
And we won’t have to make an issue of it. 
Forgive me. 
Wrongs won’t work themselves out. 
Injustices and inequities and hurt 
Don’t just dissolve. 
Somebody has to stick their neck out; 
Somebody who 
Cares enough to think through 
And work through 
Hard ground, 
Because they believe 
And they have something personal 
And emphatic to say about it. 
Me – Crocus-minded? 
Could it be that there are 
things that need to be said, 
And I need to say them? 
I pray for courage.